YL&A has more experience than any other consulting organization when it comes
to transitioning from one version of DB2 for z/OS to another. This experience includes; transition classes,
presentations, consulting, and exploitation. We have experience with all of the major vendor products, and we
typically work for customers that are early implementers of new product versions. We constantly push the envelope
in order to gain the experience to help you make the transition as painless as possible. We’re the authors of
the certification guides, certification courses, and certification tests. This includes the latest versions.
When it comes to our transition services, we offer something that others cannot offer ...
real world experience. That is, we not only use our technical knowledge of the new features and issues, but we
apply what we know about how customers use DB2 to recommend real-world practical application of the new features,
as well as techniques to avoid any problems. This is because we don’t just read manuals, but work every day for
customers, interact with IBM developers, seriously research and test the issues, and stay on the cutting edge!